Monday, April 27, 2020

Look Past The Trends To Find A Job

Look Past The Trends To Find A Job There are many experts analyzing the numbers to figure out the trends in the job market. One example from CareerBuilder has published their 2014 U.S. Job Forecast  and it has both good news and bad news. Good news the economy is improving and unemployment is at a five year low point. Bad news Washingtons debt issues probably will keep hiring at a slow pace. Of course, the experts are looking at huge amounts of data and the overall picture of the job market. They are crunching the numbers from every industry and profession to get the numbers on the charts and graphs that illustrate what they predict. But you are not looking for a job in every industry and profession, right? You want to know how all this data boils down to something that will help you get your next job. This is where an expert who looks at the big picture but is being paid to distribute your resume focuses on those things that will do exactly that. Im not talking about someone who does a canned blast to all the headhunters. That really doesnt work all that well. What does work is a resume distribution that starts out by asking you their customer for 6 to 10 industry/positions/salary targets. Then a letter targeted to recruiters who meet your preferences and requirements  is sent out in MS Word format to each one. After that, you get a Microsoft Excel file with the contact information on every recruiter who got that letter. This gives you the ability to follow up, track activities, etc. In fact, itd be good to have the ability to send out that letter again within a month to keep you in the forefront of consideration. This is exactly what Professional Resume Services Resume Distribution Service  does. It is like getting out the magnifying glass and looking past the trends to find the job you are interested in.

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